5D/XR Platform

AI assisted total spinal care solution

5D/XR Digital Spine Surgery Platform

The Metaverss (5D/XR Digital Twin) based digital surgery platform provided by AtS can support training and actual surgery through the platform beyond the existing Telemedicine/Telehealth. It is an advanced Digital Twin platform through 5d (real-time dynamic viewpoint provision) technology that has evolved further from 3D.

To this end, we are working with Veyond Metaverse (USA, 5D/XR Global Tech Company) and MIMS (Mixed-reality Immersive Motion Simulation) Lab (Canada, Ryerson University), and global partner to establish Global 5D/XR Digital Center (Cooperation Hospital, Pohang Woori Hospital)

This platform is prepared to support many surgeries at the same time with 1:1 support by Proctor as well as application of SpineGPT for Professional (Master Yoda).

Major Technologies

  • Metaverse(5D/XR Digital Twin)
  • Lossless real-time broadcast network communication
  • Protected communication by blockchain

About XR (Extended Reality)

The idea of enhancing human perception through computer-mediated reality has its origins tracing back to the 1960s. Since then, this concept has undergone various transformations, leading to a myriad of terms that can be bewildering for many. Extended Reality (XR) serves as a broad term that covers a range of immersive technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) along with several input mechanisms for interactions. XR denotes a spectrum of experiences that blur the boundaries between the physical world and virtual environments. This spectrum was conceptualized by Milgram within the reality-virtuality continuum, which encompasses all possible variations of real and virtual objects.

While VR allows the user to submerge in immersive environments, AR enables the overlapping of relevant virtual elements to the observed reality. The XR spectrum also includes MR, Augmented Virtuality (AV), and Diminished Reality, each offering distinct experiences. However, the prevailing trend indicates a shift from VR headsets to MR headsets, exemplified by newcomers like the Meta Quest 3 and Meta Quest Pro.

About 5D

In the realm of advanced medical technology, the 5D concept revolutionizes patient care by seamlessly integrating multiple dimensions with the power of extended reality (XR) capabilities. Initially, we consider the 3D aspect, encompassing the spatial coordinates of XYZ, capturing the precise location and depth within the operating room (OR). This forms the foundation for detailed anatomical mapping and spatial orientation.

The 5D paradigm further enhances this by incorporating context—an amalgamation of information, assets, and AI-analytics. This contextual layer includes comprehensive patient data, AI-driven insights, and additional resources such as medical histories, imaging results, and surgical plans. XR capabilities enable these data points to be seamlessly integrated and visualized within the surgeon's XR headset or AR display. For instance, AR can project a patient's medical history and real-time analytics onto a virtual screen in the surgeon's view, allowing for quick reference and enhanced decision-making.

Read More about 5D/XR!

Veyond Metaverse Collaboration

Veyond Metaverse(https://www.veyondmetaverse.com, US)

Partnership of Digital Twin & Training(Simulation)

Partnership of Real Patient base Contents Global Publishing

Partnership of AI Assist for Franchise Hospital

Clarifying 5D/XR technology

The current description of the 5D/XR Digital Spine Surgery Platform is insightful; however, it could benefit from a clearer explanation of what 5D technology entails and how it differs from conventional 3D and 4D technologies. This could help in setting the right expectations and attracting the right audience.

Collaboration Details

The section about collaboration with Veyond Metaverse and other partners is very promising. It might be helpful to expand this section by including more details about the nature of these partnerships. Explaining how each partner contributes to the platform could provide a more compelling story.

1. Highlighting Real-time Capabilities

Emphasizing the real-time dynamic aspect of 5D technology can be a major selling point. Consider showcasing specific examples of how real-time data enhances both training and surgical precision in a spine surgery context.

2. Enhanced Visual Content

For such a technologically advanced topic, engaging visuals or even simplified animations could significantly enhance understanding. If needed, Veyond can provide high-quality visuals that demonstrate the practical applications of our technology in medical training and operations.

3. Testimonials and Case Studies

Including testimonials or case studies from hospitals or educational institutions that have successfully implemented the 5D/XR technology could build greater trust and interest. If you need, we can arrange for some endorsements from our existing partners.

4. Technical Details and Innovations

The website could also feature a more detailed breakdown of the technological innovations, such as data optimization techniques and AI learning models used. This can not only educate the users but also showcase the advanced nature of the platform.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Content Structuring

Ensuring that the content is optimized for search engines is crucial. We should incorporate relevant keywords organically into the content to improve visibility. Structuring the content for easy reading with clear headings and subheadings will enhance user engagement.